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新模式方面硕士论文范文 和新模式下的浙江戏剧越来越好看方面论文范文集

主题:新模式论文写作 时间:2024-01-15



新模式论文参考文献 新课程导学期刊新制度经济学论文农村新技术杂志哪些杂志好看













青年演员谢莉莉通过《我的娘姨我的娘》《牡丹亭》《张玉娘》这三出大戏的演出实践,艺术力能不断提升,先后荣获浙江省第十三届戏剧节优秀表演奖以及“ 浙江戏剧奖·金桂表演奖”;而青年演员汪舟格,也正是因为在与德清越剧团合作的《游子吟》中扮演男一号孟郊,专业能力得到显著提升,已经成为浙江越剧团新一代越剧男演员中的佼佼者.



2 013年,宁波市演艺集团与歌剧院合作,创排反映宁波题材的歌剧《红帮裁缝》,不仅创新了“央地合作”的文化工作机制,也学习借鉴了国家级院团的管理方式,带动了本土创作人员的业务提升.合作既是一种资源整合,更是一种双赢模式.2016年上半年,歌剧院主动拋来“橄榄枝”,提出与宁波市演艺集团建立长期合作关系,并最终签订了战略合作协议.双方拟在舞台精品创作剧目、文化产业项目开发、结对帮扶惠民演出、区域市场开拓等方面开展深入合作,开辟“央地”长期可持续合作的全新模式,优势互补,共同发展.



宁波市演艺集团成立以来,先后2 0 余次出访亚洲、欧洲、美洲、非洲、大洋洲等数十个国家和地区,在与国外演艺团队和艺术家建立良好联系的同时,探索借力国际资源,实施中国文化“走出去”战略.2014年,舞剧《十里红妆·女儿梦》赴美国演出前,宁波市演艺集团邀请美国编导到宁波对全剧作了适合美国市场要求的适应性改编,在美国纽约林肯艺术中心上演,取得极佳效果.2016年新创排的《霸王别姬》,主创阵容全部来自美国,开创了宁波舞台艺术作品“国外创作、国内制作”的先河.





Zhejiang Theater FindsNew Ways to Flourish

By Yi Zhang

Zhejiang used to be a powerhouse ofregional operas, which catered to urban andrural audiences across the province in goodold days. Nowadays, many opera troupeshe vanished, some he flourished andsome he been struggling. However, a newapproach adopted by local governments andtroupes is giving local theater a new boom.

Take a look at Song of the Parting Son, aYueju Opera play inspired by and based onthe namesake poem by Meng Jiao, a poet ofthe Tang Dynasty (618-907). The play is ajoint production of Deqing County (MengJiao was a native of Deqing) in northernZhejiang and Zhejiang Yueju Opera Troupe.The cast includes artists from Zhejiang YuejuOpera Troupe and the production teamincludes top artists such as the scriptwriterYan Quanyi, a professor with the ChinaTheater Academy and the prominent theaterdirector Yang Xiaoqing. On April 26,2018, a performance of the play in Beijingbrought down the house.

The production of the play was madepossible by the new development modenow widely used in theater in Zhejiang.Regional opera troupes in Zhejiang want tocreate new plays and they he audiences,but lack resources to expand their repertoires.Local governments he funds tosupport cultural creativities and he ambitionto tap into local cultural resources andbring entertainment to local communities.Some counties and cities no longer he anopera troupe but the traditional theatergoersare hungry for theater entertainment. Thesegrassroots troupes don’t he top talentor creating top performances for regional,national and global audiences. On the otherhand, provincial and national troupes seekfunds and opportunities to serve grassrootarkets. To solve their problems, regionalgovernments and troupes first reached outto provincial and national troupes. In thepast few years, there he been succesuljoint productions through partnerships ofregional troupes, local governments, provincialand national talents and troupes.

Song of the Parting Son is not the firstjoint theater production on the part of DeqingCounty. The first was Sister Deqing,first staged in August 2012. It was a jointendeor between Deqing County andHangzhou Yueju Opera Troupe. SuichangCounty and Zhejiang Yueju Opera Troupehe partnered in creating The Peony Pilion.Tiantai County and Zhejiang Song &Dance Theater he jointly created an operacalled Encounter Fairies in Tiantai Mountain.Ningbo Performance Group (NPG)has produced Mulan in partnership with theCentral Opera Theater and Huangpi, a districtunder the jurisdiction of Wuhan City incentral China’s Hubei Province.

As Yueju Opera is the largest regionalopera genre in Zhejiang Province, ZhejiangYueju Opera Troupe has played a leadingrole in this fruitful joint theater productionmode. The troupe’s first joint productionoccurred in 2013. It was a partnership withYuhuan County in the southeast of theprovince. The county government providedfunds and support for scriptwriters to learnabout local history, culture and people.The new play was called My Aunt and MyMom, which caused a big stir among localaudiences and won a national governmentaward in 2014. With this succesul experience,the troupe has created and performedplays in partnership with some more localgovernments.

If many joint productions in Zhejiangare between local governments and provincialtroupes, then Ningbo PerformanceGroup, founded in December 2011, is certainlydifferent. It has wanted to be a bigplayer on both national and internationalshow market.

Mulan was a project the NPG did inpartnership with Huangpi District. Thedistrict government in Wuhan approachedthe group and offered a budget of 6 millionto produce a performance based on Mulan,presumably a native of Huangpi. Thegroup hesitated, thinking Mulan wasn’ta fresh idea on the market. But the groupdidn’t give up totally. It sent its people toBeijing to meet talents based there. After afew brainstorm sessions, they envisionedMulan not as a war hero but as goddess ofpeace. It was a fresh reincarnation of theyoung woman in the millennia-old folktale.The Huangpi government was excited andexpanded the investment to 10 million.The play was a huge success. It has beenperformed at National Grand Theater inBeijing, the 15th Asia Art Festival and the4th World Internet Congress in Wuzhen.Critics and professionals thought highly ofthe performance.

In fact, NPG has staged shows overseasin more than 20 countries. Its cooperationwith overseas talents has been succesul.In 2014, it invited an American team toadapt its Red Dowry show for the Americanentertainment market. The dance dramawas staged at Lincoln Center for the PerformingArts in New York. The commercialAmerican tour was a huge success. In 2016,NPG’s Farewell, My Concubine was reproducedby an all-American team.

Artists of provincial troupes and localtroupes he benefited a great deal fromsuch joint productions. Artists with theprovincial troupes he won top nationaltheater awards for their performances insuch joint shows whereas local artistshe learned a great deal. Take Deqingfor example, the county has worked withprofessional troupes based in Hangzhoufor three plays. The grassroots artists ofDeqing had their own casts for the plays.On important occasions, amateur artistand professional artists from Hangzhouperform together. All-local casts performat the grassroots level and cater largely torural audiences from community to communityacross Deqing.


【摘 要】随着现代信息技术时代的莅临,各行业均通过自身的发展与新媒体技术相结合 新媒体技术的发展不仅给予戏剧影视的创作提供了机遇,而且还赋予一定的挑战,从而促使戏剧影视的创作在新媒体视域下呈现多主体、.

对于语文的学习过程,往往在于对阅读量的积累 而小学生由于身心各方面发展不足,所以在阅读能力方面存在大量的缺陷 传统教学模式,不注重学生阅读能力的提升,将关注点放在学生的学习成绩上,导致学生的阅读能力长.

3月25日,多名专家在北京举行的中外教师科教创新论坛上表示,人工智能将为教育领域带来一系列创新应用,将会优化教学方式,开启“智慧教育”新模式 在此次主题为“人工智能.

【阅读提示】养老,是退休一族最关心的话题 子女们忙碌且压力大,不想给他们增添负担,尤其是独生子女家庭,现在身体健康倒还好,万一哪天需要人照料了,怎么办呢如果你还在担心这个,那么这个新的养老模式可能会带.
