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关于嫦娥奔月方面函授毕业论文范文 与嫦娥奔月类论文范文文献

主题:嫦娥奔月论文写作 时间:2024-04-01





The Mid-Autumn festival is the harvest family. In China’s agriculturesociety, farmers in the abundant harvest season, has always been an issueand celebrate. This family became festival also and“ chang e” this beautifulmyth about.


According to legend, ancient times, heen appeared ten suns, bakingto the earth, and the sea dry, the common people oldering eyes cannotlive. This matter stirred a call Hou Yi hero, he climbed the kunlun peakpower, hiking, beginning god arch, breath next nine extra suns, se thepeople to come to this. Before long, Hou Yi has married a beautiful wife,that fragrance.


One day, Hou Yi to seek ways, kunlun visits of erreth-akbe from afterthe heenly queen, then to the heenly queen obtained a pack of undeadmedicine, according to persuade under the drug, can instantly into heen,however, Hou Yi won’t immortal, leing his wife to will not die medicineto ChangEr stash.


And, behold, it was MenKe carans he saw Yi montmorillonite,peng out after it was such bullying Chang Er surrender not die medicine,Chang Er know not peng he opponent, juncture horns, remove theundead medicine one mouthful swallowed it. Chang Er swallowed themedicine, the body immediately after flying off the ground, fly to the sky,because Chang Er cared about her husband, then a hope of the moon fromthe earth recently became a fairy.


Hou Yi after come back, the maids sobbing everything. The griefstrickenvision, after the night sky call the names of his beloved wife,then, she was surprised to find that today at night, the moon special circle,especially bright bright, but a dime on the scene resembles fragrance. Afteryi busy orders placed XiangAn, put on Chang Er forite eat fresh fruit,honey in remote offering chang-e Chang Er. People ell know Chang Ebecome immortal shaw interest in in succession months after XiangAn, hemon to a good Chang E pray lucky and peace. From then on, the Mid-Autumnfestival in folk customs of worship months out.


目前,“嫦娥三号”获得的大量数据已形成了丰硕的科研成果,其中多项属于世界首次,并得到了国际同行的认可 而巡视器“玉兔号”月球车目前已经停止工作,&ldq.


神话—原型批评理论是20世纪西方文论史上出现的研究文学与神话……原始文化关系的一种文学批评模式 神话原型批评的兴起,源自当代人对人类的早期文化和原始思维,以及人类的共同心理结构的研究 神话.

奔月开篇就是一起“事件”,用齐泽克的话来说,事件就是日常生活的意外a,是对日常的一种对抗 意外的车祸发生了,一个叫小六的女人失踪了 紧接着,又是一起“事件&rdqu.
