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关于如何学硕士毕业论文范文 跟如何学外语有关论文范文例文

主题:如何学论文写作 时间:2024-01-31



如何学论文参考文献 生物信息学论文中华医院感染学杂志新课程导学期刊外语教学期刊

I am often asked by learners, including my clients, what is the best way to practise and consequently improve their English language skills. My response often varies depending on who the learner is. I try to advise them taking into account their learning methods, general interests and time they he ailable to dedicate to their learning.

However, I feel that great advice to learners can also come from other learners and not just teachers. There isn’t only one approach to learning a language and whilst a teacher/coach can provide the tools to facilitate learning, ultimately it’s up to the learner to work out what works for them.

So I decided to ask some of my clients if they would be willing to share their experiences oflearning and practising their language and what tips they would offer their fellow learners in the form of a guest post on this blog.

The first client I asked was Alessandra who seized the opportunity with great enthusia. I he been teaching Alessandra online for just under a year. She is a corporate lawyer based in Milan. We he a conversation class once a week. Alessandra is passionate about learning the English language and is a joy to teach. I he pleasure in introducing you to Alessandra.






I’ve been asked by my lovely English teacher, Shanthi to write about my learning process and what makes it (hopefully) a success and-above all-a pleasure. I studied English for 8 years at school-a long time ago. After graduating from university, I tried not to lose my English but it was not always easy. I didn’t he classes or online courses until 2012 when a South-African company took over the company I was working for and my boss organized a two-month English course for all the directors of the board. On that occasion, I found out that I remembered something and could speak, but I was no longer able to listen to the radio or watch TV and really understand the language. What a disappointment!

First of all, I must say that I’m a mature student. I he a job, a family, a life to live, but about a year ago I started to feel the need to improve my English, which used to be good but not perfect. I wanted to be understood when being abroad, to write an e-mail without panicking and to understand most of (not all) the contents of a newspaper. So, I set out to do things which I believe is what my fellow learners should do.



1 Find a teacher


The teacher is, in fact, essential to your learning process. He or she must understand your needs and keep your interests high and your enthusia alive, especially when you’re tried or discouraged. Your teacher must know what to do or what not to do to make you feel confidient and still eager to learn.


2 Find something you like and do it in English


The second advice I want to share with my fellow students is this:find something you really like and do it in English. I love TV dramas, biopics, TV series and entertainment shows like Graham Norton or The Did Letter man Show. I started to watch them in English with Italian subitles, then with English subtitles and, now, I watch them without snbtitles! After a while I found myself able to capture the deeper meaning of the dialogue and, as an old Italian proverb says, “I’ve started to understand not only the language but the culture behind it(the dialogue).”


3 Establish a routine


I he an “English” routine. Just as athletes run or swim every day not to lose their fitness, I watch English TV every evening. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Downton Abbey or The Graham Norton Show, I just feel better if I listen to or watch just a little bit of my fourite programmes. When I feel too better if I listen something new, I simply watch an episode or an interview I’ve already seen and liked, in order to enjoy myself without being a lazy student. Learning English seriously is not for sissies, so come on, get to work and very soon you’ll find yourself captured by the new, different, amazing and fasciating world of words.



孙文长文在世界大国中,中国人学外语尤其是英语的劲头恐怕是独一无二的,小到幼儿园孩子牙牙学语ABC,大到大学生考四六级,很多人的青春都伴随着英语而成长 确实,懂一门外语,不仅能开阔更广的眼界,也能提升自.

最近,一件事儿让大家哭笑不得 家庭微信群中,当妈的转了一条“碱性食品是癌细胞的死对头”的帖子,儿子评论“都辟谣了,别再转了”,惹恼了老母亲 老人一想起自.

据报道,有一份老年消费调查问卷显示,在接受调查的近百位老人日常花销中,30 74花在日常开支,23 51补贴儿女,只有3 3用在了自己的休闲生活上 这,就是大多数中国父母的真实写照—&md.

谷春(辽宁)天边幕落晚霞红,地书青睐石板坪 以水代墨练书法,心平气和求字丰 撇捺规范是根本,横平竖直基础功 人生应像写正楷,落笔虔诚墨迹清 .
