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主题:给我论文写作 时间:2024-03-19



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Perspiration 汗水

“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-ninepercent perspiration.”


Thomas Edison said,“The reason a lot ofpeople do not recognize opportunity is becauseit goes around wearing overalls and it looks like hardwork.” There is no success without hard work; success is something that is only earnedafter much labor. Success can only come to those who labor for it, it is through labor thatyou become a valuable person, and your value attracts success.


Capability 能力

“If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.”


Most people are living considerably beneath their capabilities. They’ve never focusedall of their efforts on a singular task, so they are completely unaware of the power theypossess. Everyone is good at something, and if singular focus is given to that talent overthe course of years, amazing things will be done. You are capable of astonishing yourself!


Solitude 独处

“The best thinking has been done in solitude.”


I he had my best thoughts locked away in a quiet room. Take time everyday toescape to a quiet room, if only for five minutes, to he your best thoughts. It’s hard tothink about achieving the impossible, when you’re surrounded with people wanting todiscuss only the possible.


Restlessness 不满足

“Restlessness is discontent and discontent is the first necessity of progress.”


As long as you’re perfectly content you can’t make progress. Nothing happens untilyou become discontented. if you’re content with that idea, then you don’t he thepower to change it. Remember, “discontent is the first necessity of progress.”


Perspective 观点

“I he not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”


Perspective is everything! Edison said,“Results! Why, man, I he gotten a lotof results. I know several thousand things that won’t work.” That’s the way we shouldview our life, not as a compilation of failures, but as series of necessary experimentsletting us know what doesn’t work. From this perspective, we can move into doing whatworks, from this perspective we can succeed.


Hard work,Stick-to-itiveness,and Common Sense


Nothing can replace hard work, it’s fundamental to success. If you’re not willing towork hard, you don’t even he a chance at success. No one succeeds and says “Thatwas really easy!”


Additionally, you he to he a no-give-up-attitude; you must be willing to stick toa task that you’re passionate about, and never lose focus. And the final key is “commonsense,” we all he it, but we all don’t use it like we should.


In closing, “you he what it takes to succeed,” you he the ability to workhard, to stay focused, and to use common sense, the question is, “Are you going todo it?” I think you are.



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