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关于我的素食之道论文范文检索 和我的素食之道有关论文范文检索

主题:我的素食之道论文写作 时间:2024-03-19



我的素食之道论文参考文献 师道杂志

No meat? No fish? No cheese?No ice cream? What if you had chickens, would you eat the eggs? What ifyou were stranded on a desert island andall there was to eat was rabbits?

And so it goes, at many mealswith friends, families or co -workers.

These questions always come up, justas the arm connected to the inquiringmind is lifting a chicken nugget to themouth. Not the best time for an ethicaldiscussion on the matter. I don’tintendto make anyone feel defensive or guiltyor upset. I am simply living my life my way.I first tried a change in my eating patterns in2007, hing been a vegetarian for a few years.Full of big ideas and goals, I switched to a dietfree of animal products. Like many people makingthe switch for the first time, I had absolutely noidea what I was doing.`

My mom was the recipient of incessant phonecalls:“What’s in shortening?”I’dask.“Can youmake cake without eggs?”I had no idea what Iwas looking for on food labels. What’s wheypowder? What’sa“modified milk ingredient”?`

What’s casein?Cring and exasperation crept in. It onlytook a month before I was in line at the grocerystore with cheese, sour cream and those eerilyneon coloured cupcakes in my basket, the grandnotion of living entirely free of animal productsseemingly forgotten. I chowed down happily, ignoring the tiny voice that said “Is this right forme?”`

Fluorescent frosting covering my fingers, Itold myself that it was too hard, not worth it, andit didn’t make a difference anyway.

It wasn’t until a year later that I made thefirm decision about what food habits were rightfor me. It was a creamy cashew sauce that tippedthe scales, and convinced me that vegan foodcould be delicious.`

As for the term“vegan,”I sometimes oidthe term in order to escape the stereotypes. I’mnot an urban hipster, I don’t he dreadlocks andI don’tstand outside fur shops with a can ofspray paint at the ready.`

In actuality, I grew up on a all farm inrural Alberta. I dug in the garden, rode the tractor through the hayfield and milked the goats. Ialso butchered chickens. I made presentationsabout farm life to “city kids”on field trips,showing my Grade 4 peers where milk camefrom, how animals were dehorned and what thedifference was between a sheep and a goat.

Despite my rural roots, however, I often hada nagging feeling about the impacts of my eatinghabits. Once I was no longer living on the farm,I was increasingly distanced from “real”food.Food seemed to grow on a shelf, not in theground or in the barn.`

I could see why those city kids had beenconfused as to how milk was different from pop.Food wasn’tfrom the land any more. It was aproduct—decorated, packaged and marketed be yond recognition—masking its often dubiousroots in industrial factories.

It became increasingly obvious that by notmaking a decision, I was, in fact, implicitlymaking a decision.

My purchases, it felt to me, were akin tomy vote, essentially saying,“Yep! I think thisis okay!”And that wasn’tthe truth. I didn’tthink it was okay.`But let’sbe honest. Vegani is not theanswer to all the world’sproblems. And it doesnot imply ethical superiority over otherthoughtful diets.`

Nor is a vegan diet necessarily morehealthful. It’s still possible to be a vegan andeat a diet of potato chips and cotton candy—and substituting ground flax and water for eggakes it possible to prepare all of my family’ourite recipes for cakes, cookies, and waffles—not necessarily the leanest diet ailable.I do believe that my vegan diet, when conscious and well-planned, is more healthful andmore sustainable than the way I used to eat.Whether talking about ecological footprints,moral consistency, livestock well -being, wateruse, or vitamin intake, I see definite improve ments.But when my inquisitive dinner companions pose questions, my only answer is that wecan each benefit from thinking about our foodchoices. Willful ignorance does not excusemoral responsibility. For most of us, eating isour main act of consumption.`

Just the other day, my 12-year-old cousinwas confused as to why I was wearing sockade from wool from my mom’s sheep.“I thoughtyou didn’tlike things that come from animals? ”

`she asked, flummoxed. I had made a tradeoff in myown mind:They are treated like pets, and relievedto be rid of their warm coats every summer. I eventually replied,“Everyone has to make their own decisions about what they think is right.”`

We don’t necessarily need to debate the extremes in lifestyle decisions. At the end of the day,each of us can make improvements on the margin,by being a bit more virtuous, more kind, or moreaware of the impacts of our choices.`For me, thoughtful vegani is the best approach to food. Not only does it help me to activelyengage in the connection between food and the landon which it’s grown, but it reminds me to be curious and ask questions about all my choices, foodand otherwise. It’sbeen an excellent exercise intraining myself to think about the seemingly distantimpacts of my actions.And, as for the desert island … I hear palmfruit is delicious.



从2007 年开始我尝试在自己的饮食模式上作出改变,如今我坚持素食已好几年.出于一堆的“高见”和目标,我将自己的饮食调整到不吃动物产品.就像许多人刚开始转变饮食习惯那样,我完全不知道自己在干什么.我不停地给妈妈打电话:“有什么缺的?”我会问.“没有鸡蛋,能做蛋糕吗?”我不清楚自己要留意食物标签里的什么成分.乳清粉是什么?“改良牛奶成分”是什么?干酪素是什么?

馋瘾与恼怒渐渐袭来.只过了一个月, 我就挽着个购物篮———里面装着奶酪、酸奶油,还有那些出奇鲜艳的霓虹色纸杯蛋糕———在杂货店里排队了,那个“完全不吃动物产品”的伟大生活概念似乎已经抛诸脑后.我高高兴兴地大快朵颐,对那个微弱的声音听而不闻:“对我来说,这是对的吗?”












就在几天前,我那12 岁的表妹对我所穿的袜子心存疑惑,这袜子是用我母亲的羊所产的羊毛做成的.“我还以为你不喜欢来自动物的东西?”她问道,惶惑不解.在我的心中有一种权衡之道:它们就像宠物那样受到对待,对于每年夏天可以脱下那暖和的大衣,它们轻松不已.我最后回答说:“每个人都得按照自己心中的对错尺子做出抉择.”





蘑菇饭材料(2 人份)1 匙柠檬汁,1 匙葱花,1 个蒜瓣(剁成蒜末),1 匙橄榄油,盐和胡椒粉,113 4 g 蘑菇(任何种类),半匙无盐奶油,2 杯煮熟的白米饭, 半茶匙姜黄末,14 茶匙孜然粉,.

内容摘要道家哲学中“道”、“言”关系是历代释老庄与道家哲学者无法回避的重要问题之一 语言由于自身有其局限性并不能完全的表达“道”.

蜀道之难,难于上青天 蜀道,广义上指古代从四川盆地通往外界的陆路和水路总称 它崎岖难行,李白在蜀道难中唏嘘长叹,而诗人的感叹终将留在历史的回音中 但是对蜀道的探索与开拓,由古至今,从未停歇 201 7.

闫明海,1975年生于四川通江 现为中国国画艺术研究院创作部主任,成都市美术家协会理事,成都市书法家协会篆刻委员会秘书长 出版有闰明海书画篆刻作品集闫明海书画印 闫明海,一位虚和沉静的画坛隐者 出生在.
