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时尚方面自考毕业论文范文 和莱蒂齐亚王后:凯特王妃的时尚劲敌有关论文写作参考范文

主题:时尚论文写作 时间:2024-02-08



时尚论文参考文献 时尚先生杂志订阅在线时尚杂志电子时尚杂志国外时尚杂志

Get ready to be upstaged,KateMiddleton:Your royal counterpartfrom the south is about to become a lot morepopular.

King Felipe de Borbon took the thronein June—but many eyes are already turningtoward his 41-year-old wife,Letizia Ortiz,who has become the first commoner to gracethe Spanish throne.

There’s long been great interest inQueen Letizia,as a former-divorcee-journal-ist turned -princess,but her new title willshine a brighter spotlight on her life.

While Spanish media has been trackingthe royal couple throughout their courtshipand 10 -year marriage,Felipe and Letiziahe been fully catapulted into the public eyenow that Juan Carlos has handed over thethrone to his son.

The 79-year-old king announced his de-cision to abdicate earlier that month,statingthat“the time has come for a younger genera-tion to take over.”

Perhaps in part due to Ortiz’s feisty atti-tude and glamorous style,Felipe has seen his popularity skyrocket above that of his fatherand his sisters.

Similar to the Duke and Duchess ofCambridge,Prince William and Kate Mid-dleton,the young couple’s down -toearthand relatable attitudes he altered the waymany people see royalty in Spain—a countrycurrently struggling with economic chal-lenges and royal scandals.

Ortiz first turned heads during the cou-ple’s official engagement announcement in2003,publicly scolding then -Prince Felipewith a“let me finish”as he tried to interrupther during a media interview.

If that wasn’t enough to separate Letiziafrom previous royalty,she also has a mort-gage on her own apartment in Madrid,tookthe subway and sat in the stands duringsporting events. And she and her husbandoften walked their two daughters,Leonor,8,and Sofia,7,to and from school.

Additionally,the queen’s style and in-dependent attitude are often compared to thatof Kate Middleton in the media:they bothhe long brown hair,a slender figure and a youthful,vibrant face.

On some occasions,they were both seensporting similar outfits(both are fans of thebusiness suit on official business). On Ortiz’swedding day in May 2004,she wore astylish,long-sleeved,V-neck,high-collargown. On her head lay a tiara with a long,flowing veil. Sound familiar? Add a littlelace and you he Kate Middleton’s weddingoutfit.

Ortiz’s simple yet elegant style has beenfeatured on the cover of numerous Spanishmagazines,and entire blogs he been dedi-cated to her wardrobe. Even though she hasbeen engrossed in the royal lifestyle for a lit-tle over a decade now—attending 1,206 offi-cial events,held 355 audiences,and taken73 official trips to visiting countries—herfashion sense remains rooted in her commonbackground. Some of her chic apparel hascome from low-cost Spanish retailers such asZara or Mango.(Royalwatchers in the Com-monwealth he also eagerly tracked theclothing choices of the Duchess of Cam-bridge,applauding her for recycling somestyles at official events.)

“(Ortiz) pulls off that trick of beingglamorous but recognizable. She doesn’t em-barrass herself and looks dignified,”MaryVincent,a professor of modern Europeanhistory at Britain’s University of Sheffield,told The Associated Press recently. “Shewears clothes other women imagine them-selves wearing.”

Ortiz was born in Oviedo,the capital city in northern Spain,to parents Jesus Al-varez,a journalist,and Maria Rodriguez,anurse. Her grandfather was a taxi-driver.Ortiz’s ambition soon upstaged her mod-est upbringing,and she moved to Madrid tostudy communications and complete her Mas-ter’s in broadcast journali. After a briefstint working in Mexico,Ortiz returned toSpain as a television personality for TVE,Bloomberg Television,and CNN+. She wasone of the international reporters working fromthe ground in New York during the aftermathof the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

She also won the Madrid Press Associa-tion’s prestigious Larra Award for the bestSpanish journalist under the age of 30. It wasat the scene of the Prestige oil spill in North-ern Spain where she met then-Prince Felipe.They dated discreetly until their engagementwas announced.

The engagement was not scandal -free.

She had been previously married,another firstfor the staunchly conservative and Catholicmonarchy. The church decided to allow the di-vorcee to remarry after considering the brevityof the marriage—she had only been marriedfor a year—and the fact that they weren’tmarried in a church.

More rumours started to spread after that.A cousin of hers wrote a book about a secretabortion that allegedly occurred in 2002,andgossip would eventually tell a tale of teenagedrug use and plastic surgery,although this hasbeen attributed to a respiratory condition.

Despite all of this,Ortiz has been able to stand her ground and manage the responsibili-ties attributed with the royal title. In additionto being the first commoner to sit on thethrone,Ortiz is also the first SpanishbornQueen since 1904.

凯特·米德尔顿,准备好,要被人抢镜头了:你那来自南方的王室“劲敌”将要成为比你更夺目的大宠儿.费利佩六世在六月份登基,但是许多人已经把视线投向他41 岁的妻子———莱蒂齐亚·奥尔蒂斯,她成为了西班牙首位平民王后.



六月初,这位79 岁的老国王宣布了自己退位的决定,说道“年轻一代掌权的时候到了”.



奥尔蒂斯第一次引起人们的注意是在2003 年,当时他们正式宣布订婚———她当众批评当时还是王储的费利佩,因为在一次接受采访时,王储想插话,她说“让我把话说完”.

如果这样还不能把莱蒂齐亚与传统的王室形象区别开来,那再来看看,她在马德里的房子是以按揭贷款方式买的,她坐地铁出行,在看台看球赛.她与自己的丈夫经常步行接送自己的两个女儿上下学———8 岁的里奥娜以及7 岁的索菲亚.


在一些场合,她们两者都穿着相似的运动装束(在正式场合她们都是商务正装的拥趸).在2004年5 月的王室婚礼上,奥尔蒂斯穿了一条长袖、高领深V的现代风格礼服.她头上戴着,后面还披了一条长纱.听上去很熟悉是吧?加一点蕾丝花边,那就是凯特·米德尔顿的婚裙了.

奥尔蒂斯简洁又不乏优雅的风格使她成为了无数西班牙杂志的封面宠儿,很多博客都致力研究挖掘她的衣橱秘密.尽管她投入王室生活方式已有十多年了———她出席了1206 个正式场合,接见了355 名宾客,正式出访外国73 次,但她的时尚触觉还是根植于自己的平民出身.她有一些时髦别致的装束就是来自西班牙廉价时装零售品牌,例如飒拉或者芒果.(英联邦的王室追随者也对剑桥公爵夫人的服装选择趋之若鹜,对于她在正式场合“新瓶装旧酒”式穿衣风格大加赞赏.)



奥尔蒂斯出身平凡,却胸怀鸿鹄之志,她来到了马德里攻读传播学,并且完成了自己的广播新闻学硕士学位.在墨西哥短暂地工作了一段时间后,奥尔蒂斯回到了西班牙,成为了TVE 电视台、彭博电视以及CNN+的明星主播.她是其中一名身处纽约对“9·11”恐怖袭击余波进行深入报道的外国记者.

她还获得了马德里报业协会著名的拉腊因奖,该奖项是颁发给30 岁以下最杰出的西班牙记者的.奥尔蒂斯就是在西班牙北部知名的漏油事件的报道现场与费利佩王储相遇的.直到公布订婚,他们的恋情都保持低调.



尽管如此,奥尔蒂斯坚定自己的立场,并身体力行,履行自己的王室职责.除了是第一位平民王后,奥尔蒂斯还是自1904 年以来首位西班牙本土王后.

The Commoners Who Married Royalty


Kate Middleton


Kate and William met in 2001 at St Andrews University in Scotland,and dated onandofffor nearly a decade. Their wedding took place on April 29,2011. The pair are con-stantly in the public eye,and Kate ge birth to their first child,Prince George,in July2013.

Mary Elizabeth Donaldson


The royal couple met at the Slip Inn during the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney.Prince Frederik of Denmark introduced himself as “Fred”and didn’t tell Mary he was aprince until the height of their courtship. They were married on May 14,2004,and hefour children together.

Mette-Marit TjessemHoiby


Mette-Marit met His Royal Highness The Crown Prince Haakon during a garden par-ty at the Quart Festival,Norway’s largest rock festival. It wasn’t until years later thatthey met again and started dating. The couple was married on August 25th,2001 andhe two children together.

Maxima Zorreguieta


Maxima met Willem-Alexander,heir apparent to the Dutch crown,in Spain duringthe Seville Spring Fair. The couple he said in interviews that Maxima had no idea hewas a prince,and thought he was joking when he finally told her the truth. They weremarried on February 2,2002,and he three daughters together.


1950 年代De Marchi 家族购入位于经典基安蒂(Chianti Classico)产区中心的Isole 及Olena 两邻近约290 公顷的庄园,并正式将合并之后的酒庄命名为奥莱娜小岛(Is.

在美国内布拉斯加州最大的工商业城市奥马哈,纽约时报的记者贝尔见到了苏茜 当双方打完招呼,开始了正式的访问之后,苏茜幸福地对贝尔说道“我刚刚送我的两个可爱儿子去上学 ”……苏茜谈.

他是童话大王郑渊洁笔下“皮皮鲁”的原型,自称“全国最知名的小学毕业生” 18 岁被老爸要求自力更生,开着奥迪去当搬运工 22 岁着手经营郑渊洁童话作品的.

“如果你年轻时有幸在巴黎住过,那么你此后的人生中不论到哪里,她都与你同在,因为巴黎是一场流动的盛宴 ”1921年,年轻的海明威以驻欧记者的身份移居巴黎,在那里结识了一帮文学同好.
