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指示蜜源的导蜜鸟论文范文例文 跟指示蜜源的导蜜鸟类本科毕业论文范文

主题:指示蜜源的导蜜鸟论文写作 时间:2024-02-19



指示蜜源的导蜜鸟论文参考文献 新闻导刊软件导刊经济导刊杂志社新课程导学期刊

Most birds are afraid of humans,but this kind ofbird is quite different. It is trying to tell you something. Itflies just in sight ,leading you to follow. The bird seems tobe able to ell wax from a long distance away. It oftenguides humans and other animals to beehives. Thehumans then drive the bees and take the honey,allowingthe bird to get to the leftovers. This habit of guiding givesthis special bird its common name of honeyguide,orhoney bird.

The honeyguide does not actually like honey,but itdoes like the wax in the bees ´ honeycomb. The little birdcannot reach this wax,which is deep inside the bees´nest. So ,when it finds a nest ,it looks for someone to helpit. The honeyguide gives a loud call that attracts theattention of both passing animals such as ratels andhuman beings. There is a sense of urgency in the call,almost as if the bird is saying "Hurry up. Come quick.Follow me." If you follow a honeyguide to a nest,the birdwill wait patiently in a tree nearby ,waiting for you to pullapart the beehive and harvesting the honey. Once you arefinished ,it will be the bird ´s turn-not for the honey ,butto eat the larvae and rich wax that is part of the bird´sdiet.

Tribeen in Africa are very grateful to the honey-guide for leading them to good sources of honey ,but theyare also afraid of the little bird. They believe that if theydo not open a bees´ nest and lee some honeycomb forthe honeyguide the next time the bird cries to themthrough the forest it willlead them to a lion or a snake asrevenge.

Due to ongoing habitatloss ,this amazing honey birdis evaluated as Near Threatened on the InternationalUnion for Conservation of Nature Red List of ThreatenedSpecies.

1. Why does the honey bird he to finda partner?


B. Because bees´ nests are high up in the trees.

C. Because it cannot reach the wax ,which is deepinside the bees´ nest.

D. Because it loves to share with others.

2. The honeyguide waits patiently nearby in order to________.

A. eat some wax

B.get some honey

C. find another person

D.find another nest

3. The honey bird has the ability to____.

A.climb to the nest

B. take honey from the beehives

C. ell honey in the distance

D. ell wax in the distance

4. The whole passage is mainly about____.

A. how people get delicious honey

B. how a bird helps people and other animals gethoney

C. how a bird takes revenge on humans

D. how tribeen protect themselves from the bird








胡献国张仲景(150219),名机,东汉南阳郡涅阳人(今河南省邓县穰东镇),东汉医学家 张仲景从小跟随名医张伯祖学医,白天随伯父给老百姓治病,晚上在灯下刻苦攻读医书,医术长进很快 一天,来了一位老年病.

摘自舍与得的人生经营课文娟 文胡雪岩在经商的过程中,常常会引荐前人的好方法 有一次,他听说了这样一个故事 那是在雍正年问,京城有一家规模很大的药店,他们的药物质地好,连皇上都信得过他们,并允许他们给.

在与人类关系密切的鸟类中,乌鸦的名声很不好 这对乌鸦来说是天大的冤枉,其实,乌鸦是个吉祥鸟 水有源,树有根 乌鸦的名声不好是有根源的 首先,它的形象不雅,歌声不美 乌鸦通体浑黑,它没有喜鹊漂亮,不如麻.

近日,威宁自治县委离退局组织全县20余名离退休老同志学习总书记对毕节试验区的重要指示精神 学习会上,县委组织部副部长、离退局局长张琴全文传达了总书记对毕节试验区的重要指示精神、毕节市委书记周建琨在全市.
