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八个与众不同的小国相关论文例文 跟八个和众不同的小国方面硕士学位论文范文

主题:八个与众不同的小国论文写作 时间:2024-02-02




Except for those countries with official recognition in the world, there are also some personalized “nations”. Let’s he a look—here are some creative and strange tiny nations.

Kingdom of Elleore

Kingdom of Elleore, on the island of Elleore, Roskilde Fjord, Denmark, was purchased by a group of Copenhagen teachers in 1944 as a summer camp, but it turned into a gentle parody of the government structure and royal traditions of Denmark. The novel Robinson Crusoe is banned on the island, and everyone uses Elleore Standard Time, which is 12 minutes behind Danish time. It has had six monarchs in the last 70 years.

Freetown Christiania

Freetown Christiania declared a self-proclaimed autonomous neighborhood in Christianshn, Copenhagen, Denmark in 1971, and was regarded locally as a large commune with special laws since 1989.

Principality of Seborga

The Principality of Seborga, founded in Seborga, Italy in 1963 by Giorgio Carbone, who claimed that the town had never become part of the modern Italian state. The all constitutional elective monarchy with less than half a hundred inhabitants is now led by Prince Marcello I. The town issued a local currency named luigino between 1994 and 1996, and they still he two orders of knights (The Order of Saint Bernard and the Order of the Holy Sepulchre).

Aerican Empire

Aerican Empire, founded in 1987 by Eric Lis, without any territory of its own, but its few hundred members (about 400 in 2009, 233 in July 2013) started to claim sovereignty over some disconnected territories: a house-sized area in Montreal, Canada, a colony of Mars, an imaginary planet, the northern hemisphere of Pluto, an island in the middle of a lake in New Zealand, and a square kilometer of land in Australia, among others.

Principality of Sealand

The Principality of Sealand, on a WWII installation to guard the port UK, was named HM Fort Roughs then. It stands around six miles from the coast of Suffolk. The place was occupied by a British pirate radio broadcaster named Paddy Roy Bates (Prince Roy) and his family in 1967. Eight years later the Principality was established, and Roy led this until his death at the age of 91. He named his son Michael as the new leader of the nation.

And here’s an opportunity to become a Lord, Lady, Baron or Baroness for only a few bucks, and a Count or Countess for almost $340.

Kingdom of Talossa

The Kingdom of Talossa, founded in 1979 by a 14-year-old boy named Robert Madison in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US.

This micronation had the first national Webpage in November 1995 and it has an Anthem titled Stand Tall Talossans. Now it has a king named John I, and the current population is 222. A group of dissidents left the Kingdom, and created the Republic of Talossa in 2004, but they returned in 2012.

The nation has some wild territorial claims—stretching from part of Milwaukee to an uninhabited French island and a large part of Antarctica.


Filettino, a all village about 40 miles (70 km) east of Rome, Italy, with a population of 577, became an “independent state” in 2011, when the Italian government announced that all villages with under 1,000 inhabitants must merge with nearby ones, to se money.

Republic of Kugelmugel

The Republic of Kugelmugel, a spherical house in Vienna, Austria, was designed by Edwin Lipburger. The micronation declared independence 30 years ago after some arguments between the artist and Austrian authorities due to lack of building permits.















这个微型小国在1995年11月有了第一个国家网站,它的国歌叫Stand Tall Talossans.目前它的国王叫乔治一世,拥有人口222.一群持不同政见者曾离开该国并于2004年创建了塔罗萨共和国,但2012年他们又回到了该国.







莱阳众水记事  赵爱萍  一、五龙河  五龙河像一条逶迤的线,依偎在众水缠绵着 因为有五龙河丰沛的水源滋养,这个小山村的一草一木、一石一瓦、一湾一畔仿佛都透着灵气   二、鲤鱼湾  众水村南有个&ld.

你去参加一场音乐会,在十字路口遇见一群人,他们一个个仰望天空 你不假思索,也仰头观看 为什么从众心理 音乐会期间,当表演到一个精彩段落时,一个人带头鼓起掌来,于是整个大厅里顿时掌声雷动,你也会跟着鼓掌.

生于忧患的国家迈克·利的两千年一书中,讲了一个笑话四个男人站在街角,其中一个美国人、一个俄罗斯人、一个中国人,还有一个以色列人 一名记者走到他们面前说“打扰一下,请问你们对肉.

摘自参考网德罗尔夫·多贝里 文你去参加一场音乐会,在十字路口遇见一群人,他们一个个仰望天空 你不假思索,也仰头观看 为什么从众心理 音乐会期间,当表演到一个精彩段落时,一个人带头鼓起掌.
