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语言有关硕士毕业论文范文 和来自语言大师的建议方面在职毕业论文范文

主题:语言论文写作 时间:2024-01-25



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  1.Know why you are domg it

  This might sound obvious, but if you don’t he a good reason to learn a language, you are less likely to stay motivated over the long run. Wanting to impress English-speakers with your French is not a very good reason; wanting to get to know a French person in his or her own language is another matter entirely.

  2. Dive in

  “I tend to want to absorb as much as possible right from the start. So if I learn something Ireally, really go for it and try to use it through out the day. For me it’s about actually putting what you’re learning into practice-be that writing an email, speaking to yourself, listening to music, listening to the radio. Surrounding yourself, submerging yourself in the new language culture is extremely important.” “I always he at the back of my mind that it’s adapting your way of thinking to the way of thinking in that language.”

  3. Fmd a partner

  Matthew learned several languages together with his twin brother Michael (They tackled theirfirst foreign language, Greek, when they were only eight years old!). Matthew and Michael, or the Super Polyglot Bros, as I’d like to now refer to them, gained their superpowers from good, healthy sibling rivalry:“You he someone with whom you can speak, and that’s the idea behind learning a language.”

  4. Keep it relevant

  If you make conversation a goal from the beginning, you are less likely to get lost intext books. “You’re learning a language to be able to use it. The creative side is really being able to put the language that you’re learning into a more useful, general, everyday setting-be that through writing songs, generally wanting to speak to people. You don’t necessarily he to go abroad; you can go to the Greek restaurant down the road and order in Greek.”

  5. He fun with it

  Using your new language in any way is a creative act. The Super Polyglot Bros practiced their Greek by writing and recording songs. Think of some fun ways to practice your new language: make a radio play with a friend, draw a comic strip, write a poem, or simply talk to whom ever you can. If you can’t find a way to he fun with the new language, chances are you aren’t following step four.

  6. Act like a child

  The key to learning as quickly as a child may be to simply take on certain child like attitudes:for instance, lack of self-consciousness, a desire to play in the language and willingness to make mistakes. New research cannot find a direct link between age and the ability to learn. As kids, we are expected to make mistakes, but as adults’ mistakes become taboo. When it comes to learning a language, admitting that you don’t know everything (and being okay with that) is the key to growth and freedom. Let go of your grown-up inhibitions!

  7. Lee your comfort zone

  Willingness to make mistakes means being ready to put yourself in potentially embarrassing situations: talk to strangers in the language, ask for directions, order food, try to tell a joke. The more often you do this, the bigger your comfort zone becomes and the more at ease you can bein new situations:

  “At the beginning you’re going to encounter difficulties: maybe the pronunciation, maybe the grammar, or you don’t really get the sayings. But I think the most important thing is to always develop this feel. Every native speaker has a feel for his or her own language, and that’s basically what makes a native-speaker-whether you can make the language your own.”

  8. Listen

  You must learn to look before you can draw. “We’re able to pronounce anything; it’s just we’re not used to doing it. For example the rolled ‘r’ doesn’t exist in my form of English. When I was learning Spanish there were words with the hard ‘r’ in them like perro and reunion. For me, the best way to go about mastering that is actually to hear it constantly, to listen to it and to imagine how that is supposed to be pronounced, because for every sound there is a specific part of the mouth or throat that we use in order to achieve that sound.”

  If you can’t watch and imitate a native-speaker in person, watching foreign-language film sand TV is a good substitute.

9. Talk to yourself

“It might sound really weird, but actually speaking to yourself in a language is a great way to practice if you’re not able to use it all the time.” This can keep new words and phrases fresh in your mind and build up your confidence for the next time you speak with someone.

10. Relax

You are not going to annoy people by speaking their language poorly. If you preface any interaction with “I’m learning and I’d like to practice…”, most people will be patient, encouraging and happy to oblige.

Besides, Matthew has one last point to make:

“I think each language has a certain way of seeing the world. If you speak one language then you he a different way of analyzing and interpreting the world than the speaker of another language does. Even if they’re really closely-related languages such as Spanish and Portuguese, which are to a certain extent mutually intelligible, they are at the same time two different worlds-two different mind sets.”

“Therefore, hing learned other languages and been surrounded by other languages. I couldn’t possibly choose only one language because it would mean really renouncing the possibility to be able to see the world in a different way. Not in one way, but in many different ways. So the monolingual lifestyle, for me, is the saddest, the loneliest, the most boring way of seeing the world. There are so many advantages of learning a language. I really can’t think of any reason not to.”


摘要培养学生正确运用祖国语言文字是语文课程的基本目标,语言运用讲究规范 语言规范是运用语言进行各种生活、工作交流的基本要求,是学生语文素养的重要内涵 语文教师在语文教学中应着力培养学生规范运用语言文字.

赵元任,字宜仲、宜重,号重远,祖籍江苏阳湖县(今武进县) 1892年11月3日生于天津 父亲赵衡年是举人 赵元任1910年留学美国,先在康奈尔大学学数学,1915年转入哈佛大学攻读哲学获博士学位,19.

李济是中国第一位人类学博士,他在山西夏县西阴村遗址完成了第一次中国人主持的科学考古发掘 在半个世纪里,这位“中国考古学之父”主持了安阳殷墟的发掘和研究 他一生从事考古,始终不曾.

16世纪中叶,中国的汤显祖与英国的莎士比亚不约而同地横空出世,以无人企及的艺术天分与创作成就,辉映着东方与西方的戏剧星空 2016年,在两位戏剧大师逝世400 周年之际,中国与英国的戏剧界分别举办了纪.
