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主题:西瓜论文写作 时间:2024-02-28




  The origin of tne crazy idea

  From the outset, I was against the idea. After all, who would he thought that suchan outstanding outcome might be possible?And even if it could be possible, why wouldn’t anyone with an ounce of intelligence want totry it? Anyway, this was how I almost came tobe in the Guinness Book of Records.

  It all started when we decided to developa square watermelon so it would be easier to transport. At the outset we drew an outline of the size and shape we wanted, and selected fast growing seed known to output unusualshapes. The seeds were planted in an ovalpattern around the edge of a former footballoval, well known for its fertile soil. Many plants grew, and we selected a few young fruit toenclose within a square frame, taking care to also ensure there was an outlet through which we could inject our secret formula for squaregrowth. It worked so well that to all out wardappearances, we had been succesul. We then contacted the Guinness people to outlineour success, and were invited to visit London with an example of our watermelon output. So with an optimistic outlook we boarded the plane for London. However, our watermelon collapsed because it was stored next to theoven in the kitchen of the plane. All we had left was the outer part-six squares. When wetried to put them back together, they would always fall outward, so the Guinness people wouldn’t accept our claim that all of the pieceshad come from just one watermelon.

Tne nouveau riche Russlans iovecube-snaped watermelons.

Pity the nouveau riche Russians who missed last week’s bargain on Japanese-grown, cube-shaped watermelons at high-end Moscow markets:just $700. But news of thenovelty, a couple of weeks before the start of Russia’s watermelon season, has boosted the price in recent days to around $860. That’s more than 300 times the price of your standardmelon.

  Before The Moscow Times carried an Interfax news agency report on the strange fruit, they weren’t leaping out of the bins. “There has been no rush,” an assistant saidat one of the unidentified chain’s stores. A few customers had bought them “just for fun”. Over the weekend, the price jumped about $150 asdemand rose.

How are souare watermelons grown?

While the watermelon is still all on thevine, a square, tempered glass box is placed around it. When the watermelon gets bigger, itassumes the shape of the box! Just remember to use a glass or transparent mold so the sunlight can reach the watermelon on all sides.

  Why are souare watermelons grown?

  First, the square watermelons are easier to stack, which makes them easier to ship. Second, with space being an issue in crowdedareas of Japan, the square watermelonis designed to fit perfectly inside aller Japanese refriqerators.













我在商学院讲课时,常常讲这样一个故事王妈妈生了三个女儿,大女儿初中刚毕业,王妈妈就让她外出打工挣钱 大女儿到了富士康,每个月能挣2000多元,女孩很孝顺,除了自己花,还寄给王妈妈一些 王妈妈觉得不错,.

买了两个西瓜 贩子说,是沙漠瓜 我看不像,前年夏天去过宁夏,买过那里的瓜,那瓜没这样圆,椭圆型,细长 眼前这瓜,翡翠绿的底色起墨黑的纹路,看着看着 一瞬间,忽然想起一生中吃瓜的经历 对吃西瓜有印象的记.

盛夏之际, 西瓜上市,人们以其清热解渴,以其生津消暑,西瓜是颇受人们青睐的保健食疗佳品 西瓜原产非洲,中世纪引进中亚后逐渐东传,五代时期(907 960 年)传入华夏 五代时,同州阳县令胡峤曾羁居契.

41岁的美国消防员罗伯特·帕蒂森一定没想到,他会因为一个西瓜而失去工作 原本2017年9月30日,对罗伯特来说是个好日子,因为他终于完成训练,成为了底特律第55消防队的一名消防员 按照消.
