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主题:旅行论文写作 时间:2024-04-19



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As graduation season gets underway in June and July , graduates are departing to different destinations to celebrate the start of a new chapterin theirlives.

For graduation trips, Chengdu in Sichuan province, Guangzhou in Guangdong province,Chongqing, Shenzhen in Guangdong province and Hangzhou in Zhejiang province were listed as the top five most popular destinations for domestic tours. Thai-land and the United States are popular among overseas destinations, according to a recent report by Qunar, a domestic rival that was acquired by Ctrip , the largest on-line trel agency in China, in 2016.

The agency surveyed those who were born between 1995 and 2005 , and found that making trips and taking stylish photos are now standard practice to mark gradua-tion. It is reported that the market scale of graduation tours has gone over 15 billion yuan ( $2.34 billion).

"Young people are good at using trel apps to get more- information and their decision-making is quite fast.It´s possible that just because of a song, a book, a TV drama, or a chat with someone, they may decide to take a trip somewhere , ” said Shao Jihong, senior director of the flight tickets department of Ctrip. Compared with those who were born in the 1980s, and usually like to plan ahead carefully, the younger generations are deemed more free and casual. According to Qunar´sstatistics, 56 percent of customers who were born after 1995 book accommodation on the day they need to stay there. Besides , 1.12 percent of´students buy plane tick-ets after they arrive at an airport. They he also become less price sensitive, and look for higher quality trips.Most trips involve groups of two to five people, accord-ing to Qunar.

Taking an in-depth trip to one destination is the preference of the young, and those born after 1995 he abandoned group tours with trel agencies. Most of them would prefer to stay at the same hotel for three to seven days, and the number of those who stay in one place for five days continually rose by about 30 percent year-on-year. Meanwhile, themed tours such as trips to deserts , cruises , campings , those involving cosplay orgetting married, are all hot elements that the young would like to try.

On erage , students plan to spend between 3 ,500 yuan and 7 ,000 yuan on their graduation tours per per-son, and the mney comes from sings, income from selling second-hand items, part-time jobs, and support from parents , according to the report.

1. Which of the following statements is TRUE ?

A. Graduates all choose five cities to trel.

B. Graduates can ´t afford to go abroad.

C. Trelling is the only way to celebrate gradua-tion.

D. Graduation tours are becoming increasingly popular.

2. Compared to elder people, young people now

A. take a more serious attitude towards trelling

B. trel more conveniently and out of simple in-terest

C. book hotels and tickets in advance

D. think more about money and trel alone

3. The underlined word "deemed " in paragraph four can be replaced by—__.

A.loved B. hated

C. regarded D. misunderstood

4. What can we know from the fifth paragraph ?

A. Young people never join tours organized by trel agencies.

B. Young people only stay at one place when tr-elling.

C. Young people tend to deeply explore their tr-el destinations.

D. Young people trel mainly to show off theircoolness.

5. Students´ trel expensesare guaranteed by——

A. various sources of money

B. doing part-timejobs

C. theirs parents ´ support

D.years of pocket moneysing







l.For graduation trips, Chengdu in Sichuan provin-ce,Guangzhou in Guangdong province,Chongqing,Shenzhen in Guangdong province and Hangzhou in Zhe-jiang province were listed as the top five most populardestinations for domestic tours.

分析:本句的谓语动同是were listed as,其主语是五个并列的地点名词.


2.Meanwhile, themed tours such as trips to deserts,cruises,campings,those involving cosplay or getting married,are all hot elements that the young would like to try.

分析:本句的主语是themedtours,带有介宾短语such as...作后置定语,are all hot elements是系动词和表语,并带有that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词all hot elements.




9月21日新版GB1589标准来袭,整个货运物流行业都被治超新规;10月以来,物流新政又让“无车承运人”一下成为热门话题,也为行业模式的创新拉开序幕 11月30日,一场解读GB.

本报记者 田 野8 月,杭州的天气依然炎热 与天气同样热的,是这里进行了一场选拔赛 我们熟知的选拔赛,就是大家在一块儿比一比,选出个一二三名 而这场选拔赛则不同,可以说是场“没有硝烟的战争.

人和人的相处,是一门学问,要做好一点,真的不容易 离得太远了,关系就淡了;可靠得太近了,恩恩怨怨就来了 不管是家人朋友,还是同学同事,好起来时可以两人同穿一条裤子,闹翻后可以老死不相往来 人生如尺,要.

在不断的成长中,我慢慢地了解到,我和孩子的缘分就是一场又一场的送别 最美的瞬间不过是眼含温柔地目送他的背影渐行渐远 龙应台在文章目送中这样写“我慢慢地、慢慢地了解到,所谓父女母子一场,只不.
