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父母类专科开题报告范文 与给父母的一封信有关毕业论文提纲范文

主题:父母论文写作 时间:2024-04-13



父母论文参考文献 父母必读杂志微信投稿父母课堂杂志父母课堂杂志订阅

It’s been five years since the wedding youwouldn’t attend. I can’t say I didn’t see it coming,but you can’t say you didn’t see it coming either.You made it clear, with the strict Jewish upbringingand rules about marrying in the faith. I made it clear,with the ditching of services and my burgeoning inter-est in India—its books, music and people. I realisedthat I needed to spend my life with someone whowould appreciate, even encourage, my love of SouthAsian language, history and culture.

I guess there’s no point trying to decide if it wastruly inevitable because it happened, and that’s that. Imarried a Sikh man and you cut me off for ever.Mom, I remember you saying, back when I wasat high school and this conversation was hypothetical,that I had to marry a Jew because you wanted to beable to connect to your grandkids. But you connectedwith me, didn’t you? And I stopped being Jewish soearly that I had to fake my bat mitzvah.

If you think a Sikh upbringing is going to make your grandson out of reach to you, you he too lit-tle faith in humanity. You he more in commonthan you’d think:he’s a shy, bookish type—likeme and you and your mom;he likes to race theother boys at break, an activity you told me you’ddone yourself, the year I started running. He’s eventaken to the same football team you taught me tocheer for, despite his father’s best efforts.

It was hard going through my first pregnancywithout you or my aunt or my sister. In a way, ithelped me to become close to my mother-in-law,who has been so much more gracious and acceptingof this pale, new addition to her family than I evercould he hoped. She can’t tell me what the secretingredient was in grandma’s pumpkin pie, but shetaught me how to prepare baby milk and medicate acough, and lull my fevered son to sleep. The incred-ible love I feel for my son brought me closer to myhusband and family with every little act they per-formed to make my life easier or his life better.So many times I wanted to call you up, if notfor advice then just to say, “Look what he did to-day!”Or,“This reminded me of you,”or“I missyou.”

I didn’t, because I’m stubborn and cowardly,and bad at forgiveness. But now I he a little boygrowing up too fast and another one, a little girl, onthe way. And I’m starting to realise there is a pointwhere it really is too late to come into someone’slife and still build a healthy, normal relationship.Sooner or later, my son will start asking where hisother grandparents are and I will he to lie—lie toshield him from prejudice and judgment;lie toshield him from the pain that invariably creeps intomy voice whenever I broach the subject;lie toshield him from the very notion that religion, thisstructure that has taught him to love and respectothers, is enough to tear families apart.

It has been five years since the wedding youwouldn’t attend(a fact that had its own silver lin-ing because then we could hold it in India with allof my husband’s family)and I’m doing OK. I’msure I will continue to be OK—even good—in thisnew life of mine, without you. But I’d like youback in it, if you wanted to be. For your grandchil-dren’s sake, mostly, but also for my own.It’s been five years and I hope that’s enoughtime for you to shake off your anger and disap-pointment, and start to miss me too.It’s been five years. Expect a call.













一杜伊从来没有注意过顾森涵 直到有人跟她说,顾森涵喜欢她 其实也不是没有踪迹可循,过往的片段一点一点浮现,仿佛一点一滴都藏着真相 杜伊坐在教室里写作业 突然有人撞到她身上,手一抖,写了一半的作业就算完.

这封信在楚图南家保存了六十多年,即使“”劫难,也冒风险将此信收藏 到底这封信给我们展示了胡小石和楚图南怎样的交往故事呢又展现了胡小石怎样的一种心境胡光炜(1888 - 1962.

看一朋友的日常照片,屋门旁养一池荷,窗前置修竹,闲时会画一幅长长的山水卷,也与内心与岁月写几多清凉语如长长的信 也许我们都有过这样的念头,很想很想给一个人写一封信,很长很长的信,寄到岁月里 余下光阴,.

爸简单又略带一丝颤抖的称呼 伏首案前,无数次提笔又无数次放下,从未以这样的方式和您说话,即使和您面对面,很多话也是欲言又止 有时候感觉生活就像黑白电影,习惯了您不在身边的日子,习惯了一问一答的日常 数.
