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主题:英语名论文写作 时间:2024-01-19



英语名论文参考文献 关于英语教学的论文关于教育的英语论文英语论文提纲模板英语文摘杂志







(1)表示数量“一”,相当于“one”.I’ll return in a day or two.

(2)表示“同一”,相当于“the same”.The children are of an age.


He wants to he a doctor./ A horse is a useful animal.


We he meals three times a day.(我们一天吃三餐.)

(5)用于专有名词前表示类似的一个或某一个,相当于“a certain”.如:

A Mr. Smith is asking to see you. (一位李先生要见你.)

(6)与某些物质名词或抽象名词连用,表示“一种、一类、一份、一场、一阵……”如: a surprise一件令人惊讶的事;a success一个(件)成功的人(事);a green tea一种绿茶;a hey rain一场(阵)大雨


①he a swim/walk/talk/dance/look 等于swim/walk/talk/dance/look

②he a cold, he a good time, keep a diary, in a hurry, once in a while, at a loss, for a while, once upon a time, all of a sudden, tell a lie, do sb. a four, at a distance, he a good knowledge of, as a matter of fact


(1)表示上文提到过的人或事物.如:I he bought a book. The book is very useful.

(2)用于说话人与听话人心中都有数的人或事物.如:Close the window, please.

(3)用于表示世界上独一无二的事物前.如:the sun, the moon, the earth, the world等.

(4)用于表示方位的名词之前.如:in the east, on the right.

(5)用于序数词或形容词的最高级之前.如:the first, the tallest.

(6)用于形容词之前,使其名词化,表示一类人.如:the sick, the wounded.

(7)用于由普通名词构成的专有名词之前.如:the United States, the United Nation.

(8) 用于江河、海洋、海峡、山脉、群岛、建筑物等的名词之前.如:the Changjiang River, the East Lake.

(9)用于复数姓氏之前,表示“夫妇”或“全家”.如:The Smiths.

(10)用于作为课程或演奏等的西洋乐器名词前.如:play the piano; play the violin.

(11)用于表示单位的名词前.如:by the day(month)按日(月),by the yard(foot)按码(英尺)

(12)用于年代、朝代、时代名词前.如:in the 1970s, the Tang Dynasty.

(13) 用于某些固定词组中.如:in the morning(afternoon, evening), on the other hand , at the same time.


(1)不含普通名词的专有名词、物质名词、抽象名词、人名、地名等名词前,一般不加冠词.如:China , America, Smith.


I like this picture; Einstein’s theory proved to be correct.


March, May Day, National Day, Children’s Day, Women’s Day,he supper

(4)呼语前不用冠词.如:What shall I do next, Mother?

(5)表示独一无二的头衔职务、职务名词作表语、同位语或补足语时,一般不加冠词.如:We elected him president of our university.


Do you study physics?

He likes playing football/chess.


They are peasants/ workers.


by car, by bus, by bike, by train, by air/ water/ land


The young worker has turned writer.


No such thing has ever happened in this village.

(11)as, though引导的倒装的让步状语从句中的表语(单数可数名词名词)置于句首时不用冠词.如:child as he is, he knows a lot.

(12)某些固定词组中不用冠词.如:husband and wife, brother and sister, body and soul, day and night, knife and fork, young and old, arm in arm, hand in hand, side by side, go to school, lee school, in prison, to(at, from, at work, on foot, from door to door, from morning till night, year after year, step by step


1. 在有些词组中,有无冠词含义不同.

go to school 去上学 in hospital 住院(因病)

go to the school 去学校 in the hospital在医院(工作、参观等)

in front of在前面,指某物体之外 in charge负责,主管

in the front of在前部,指某物之内 in the charge由……负责

out of question没问题

out of the question不可能



the world, a peaceful world; the moon, a bright moon.

(2)表示一日三餐的名词前一般不用冠词,但前面如果有定于修饰,也可用不定冠词.如:I had a wonderful supper yesterday.

(3)表示乐器的名词前一般用定冠词,但如果该名词作为普通名词,也可用不定冠词.如:This is a piano and it is the king of musical instruments.



It is a most useful book.

②序数词second、third等前加不定冠词表示“又一,再一”之意,相当于another.如:Can you give me a second chance, please?

(5)表示语言的前一般不用冠词,但后面如果出现language一词,前面需加定冠词the.如:English等于the English language

(6)牢记高考中常见的纯不可数名词.它们是information, fun, weather, progress, advice,news,space,word(等于news),furniture,equipment等,均不可与不定冠词连用.


(1)定冠词 + 单数可数名词,指的是这个类别,这个类别是可以区别于另一个类别的.如:The compass was invented in China, but the computer was not.

(2)不定冠词 + 单数可数名词,侧重于指类别中任何一个的特点.如:

A tiger is a type of very large fierce wild cat that has yellow fur with black bands across.

注意:man, woman表示泛指时,不用冠词,且常用单数.如:

Man tries to be the protector of woman.


Children usually start walking at around one year old.


(1)不定冠词 + 副词 + 形容词 + 名词.如:

This is a very interesting story.

(2)such、what、both、all、quite、rather +不定冠词+形容词+名词.如:

I’ve never seen such a film!

Half a pound of pork, please!

What a good idea it is!


I can’t finish the task in so short a time.

He is bre enough a hunter to kill the bear.

(4)half、twice、three times、all、both、double + the + 名词.如:

He paid twice the price for it.

Their house is three times the size of yours.


英语学科具有较强的灵活性和应用性,在长久以来的教学实践中还缺乏对方法创新的重视,学生对英语知识的掌握表现在记忆和背诵上,但理解能力和写作能力还远远达不到应考和实际应用的要求 高中英语教学要帮助学生度过.


桂诗春是新中国培养的第一代大学生,1955年毕业于中山大学外国语言文学系英语专业,后留校任助教、讲师,1970年调入广州外国语学院(广东外语外贸大学前身) 在中国的语言学界,桂诗春是许多方面的第一人 .
