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天使有关论文范文素材 与秀兰邓波儿:黑暗中的小天使相关硕士毕业论文范文

主题:天使论文写作 时间:2024-02-24



天使论文参考文献 兰台世界杂志社红秀杂志订阅数学小论文三年级大学生小论文范文

A bigger star never came in a package so all. She sang and danced her way to super-stardom[明星地位] by the impossible age of six years old. In the year 1934, she acted in nine films, one called Stand Up And Cheer.

Shirley Temple Black: I loved learning to dance and sing and scripts[剧本] and acting. Children don’t he a lot of memories, and so you’re like a blotter[吸墨纸]. Everything you learn very quickly, and for me, since I didn’t he much in my head, I was able to learn everything relatively[相对地] easily.

Shirley Temple Black talked to NPR in 1985 and says when she was a child, she didn’t know she was extraordinary. But it wasn’t just talent that made her a hit onscreen. She was born just as films with sound were invented. If she had been born a few years earlier, her singing and tapping talent would he gone unnoticed. Also Temple’s innocence[天真无邪], maturity[成熟] and merriment[欢乐] were qualities that brought hope to people during the Depression, among them Chicagoan[芝加哥人] Giggi Cortizi. Giggi Cortizi: Do you know how I survived those days, was going to the show every Sunday to see Shirley Temple. I’m telling you, she was my inspiration to go on living. Honest to goodness[上天作证].

Cortizi is one speaking for many. Professor John Kasson at the University of North Carolina is working on a book about Shirley Temple Black during the Depression. John Kasson: She seemed to embody[使具体化] a spirit of cheer, a spirit of confidence, a spirit of fearlessness, and also at the same time a spirit of trust.

During a seven-year contract[合同] with Fox, she brought them back from the brink[边缘] of bankruptcy[破产]. She had become the top-grossing movie star in the world. But Temple’s films weren’t without controversy[争论]. She made a string of[一系列] films with Bill “Bojangles”Robinson, a black actor and dancer. A middle-aged black man and a all white girl holding hands, tapping side by side, caused a stir[轰动] in the South.

Here they are dancing on a staircase in their first movie together, The Little Colonel[上校].

Black: I want to do that too.

Bill “Bojangles” Robinson: All right. Are you ready?Black: Yep.

Robinson: Come on.

Temple says they stayed close friends till his death. Black: Bill Robinson was probably my best dance teacher and best friend when I was a little girl, and I would learn dancing by looking in the mirror. He said never look at your feet, Shirley. Never do that, honey, because that’s just not…not right.

By the time Temple hit 12, her career was essentially[本质上] over. At 21 she ge up acting entirely. She went on to become a diplomat[外交官]. In the 1960s, President Nixon appointed[任命] her a delegate[代表] to the United Nations, and later she became the US ambassador[大使] to the Republic of Ghana and Czechoslovakia. Temple told NPR’s Scott Simon that everywhere she went around the world, people couldn’t resist[忍得住] serving her a concoction[调和物] of 7-Up, grenadine[石榴糖浆] syrup[糖浆], orange juice with a maraschino cherry[酒浸樱桃].

Black: The Shirley Temple, those saccharine[极甜的], icky[黏糊糊的] drinks?

Scott Simon: Those are the ones.

Black: Yes. Well, those were created in the probably middle 1930s in Hollywood and I had nothing to do with it.

In her later years, Temple Black said she never regretted leing the movie business. She took on the roles of actress, wife, mother, diplomat with passion and dedication, the same qualities that made her a star in the first place.




















中国话剧要立于世界戏剧之林,除了要具有新锐而正确的能够引领大众的思想之外,还必须具有本民族美学特性的内容与表现形式 具体地说,就是要学会用中国的方式向世界讲好中国的故事,而中国戏曲无疑为中西戏剧的融通.

90后是颇受微词的一代人,如今渐渐在各行各业里独当一面 邓楚涵就是这—代中的一个榜样,他是名校高材生,益智节目里的赢家,还是出版了没有拼过的青春,不值一过未来,仍是少年两部作品的青年作者 .

作为新中国的开路人,周恩来的一生精彩壮阔 他也有柔情的一面,他和邓颖超半个多世纪的爱情传奇,至今还为人们称道 现今社会,无论50后、60后,还是70后、80后,爱情和婚姻生活常面临一些普遍问题缺少话题.
