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关于将立未立的年轻一代毕业论文怎么写 和将立未立的年轻一代相关毕业论文怎么写

主题:将立未立的年轻一代论文写作 时间:2024-03-09



将立未立的年轻一代论文参考文献 立论文和驳论文

  I will readily admit; it took me a long time to grow up. I graduated from Michigan State University in 1980 at the age of 23, with a freshly printed bachelor’s degree in psychology and no idea what I really wanted to do. After a couple of years, I entered graduate school in psychology, but even after I got my PhD four years later, I still didn’t really know what I wanted to do. Eventually, I did find my way in love and work, but it took years and years. I got my first long-term job (as a professor) at 35, married at 36, and had my kids (twins) at 42.

  When my research on how young people make their way to adulthood first began, the initial inspiration was my own odyssey. I was in my early 30s and thinking about how long it was taking me—and lots of my peers—to get there. But I he maintained my research focus on these 18- to 29-year-olds because I found they were so rewarding to talk to. I was to discover, however, that there were many others who didn’t share my warm and benevolent views of emerging adults. Quite the contrary.

  One of the most common insults about today’s emerging adults is that they’re lazy. According to this view, young people are“slackers” who oid work whenever possible, preferring to sponge off their parents for as long as they can get away with it. They expect work to be fun, and if it’s not fun, they refuse to do it.

  It’s true that emerging adults he high hopes for work, and even, yes, a sense of being entitled to enjoy their work. Ian, a 22-year-old, chose to go into journali, even though he knew that: “If I’m a journalist making $20,000 a year, my dad (a wealthy physician) makes vastly more than that.” More important than the money was finding a job that he could love.

  So, yes, emerging adults today he high and often unrealistic expectations for work, but lazy? That’s laughably false. While they look for their elusive dream job, they don’t simply sit around and play video games and update their Facebook page all day. The great majority of them spend most of their twenties in a series of unglamorous, low-paying jobs as they search for something better. It’s unfair to tar the many hard-working emerging adults with a stereotype that is true for only a all percentage of them.

  Another widespread slur against emerging adults is that they are selfish. With this stereotype, too, there is a grain of truth that has been vastly overblown. It’s probably true that most emerging adults today grow up with a higher level of selfesteem than in previous generations. Their Baby Boomer parents he been telling them from the cradle onward: “You’re special!” “You can be whatever you want to be!” “Dream big dreams!”and the like. Popular culture has reinforced these messages, in movies, television shows and songs. Well, they actually believed it.

  But—and this is the key point—that doesn’t mean they’re selfish. It simply means that they are highly confident in their abilities to make a good life for themselves, whatever obstacles they might face. For example, Nicole, 25, grew up in poverty as the oldest of four children in a household with a mentally disabled mother and no father. Her goals for her life he been repeatedly delayed or driven off track by her family responsibilities. Nevertheless, she is pursuing a college degree and is determined to reach her ultimate goal of getting a PhD. Her selfbelief is what has enabled her to overcome a chaotic childhood full of disadvantages.

  As for the claim that they never want to grow up, it’s true that entering the full range of adult responsibilities comes later than it did before, in terms of completing education and entering marriage and parenthood. Many emerging adults are ambivalent about adulthood and in no hurry to get there.

  Despite their ambivalence, by the age of 30, the great majority of emerging adults he a marriage partner, at least one child, and a stable long-term job. So, it’s not true that they never grow up. Most of them just don’t want to take on the yoke of adult responsibilities in their early 20s. They want to make use of their freedom while they he the chance. That’s not contemptible, it’s wise, and we don’t give them enough credit for their wisdom.

  Despite all of this good news about the rising generation, an especially popular negative stereotype of emerging adults today is that they are worse than ever, far inferior to young people of a generation or two ago. There is a widespread belief in US society that young people are apathetic, irresponsible and immoral.

  Oddly, this stereotype persists even though there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Rates of violent crime committed by young men are now less than half the level of the 1970s, ’80s and early’90s. Automobile fatalities he long been the main cause of death among young Americans in the late teens and early 20s, but rates he declined by almost half in the past 20 years.

  Not only he bad things gone down, but good things about this generation he gone up. Nearly 90% of American college freshmen reported doing volunteer work in the past year, the highest level ever. Furthermore, applications to post-college volunteer programmes such as the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, and Teach for America he reached record levels.

  The origins of the many prejudices against today’s emerging adults are complex, but maybe one key reason is that many of their elders still use old yardsticks to measure their progress. The pace of social, economic and technological change over the past half-century has been mind-boggling, and what is ‘normal’ among young people has changed so fast that the rest of society has not yet caught up.















张丽敏,吕建设(山东农业大学 国际交流学院,山东 泰安 271018)摘要党的十八大报告强调,要“把立德树人作为教育的根本任务” 中外合作办学作为中国教育事业的组成部分同样肩负.

有人说,在现实面前,情怀不堪一击 这其实并不完全准确,因为乔布斯也将艺术情怀,引领苹果王国一骑绝尘 但单单凭借情怀不能救命,不能起死回生,如果抛却背后的极致的品质追求与技术创新,情怀往往沦为炒冷饭 尤.

四年一度的澳門立法會選舉終於在9 月18日落下帷幕,14 直選議席在歷屆競爭最為激烈的氛圍中揭曉答案,傳統陣營、派、中間派都所有斬獲,鄉族派繼續維持原有實力,基層組織之綿密不可小覷,而商界卻在此次選舉.

不久前,美国华尔街日报刊登了一则报道,称如今中国的年轻人不再崇洋,他们对祖国的发展和前景普遍自信,在这一代人看来,当下的中国已经成为这个充满不确定的世界里“力量与稳定的灯塔” .
