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美国类研究生毕业论文范文 和美国人的宠物情节类学术论文怎么写

主题:美国论文写作 时间:2024-03-16



美国论文参考文献 宠物杂志宠物世界杂志

Americans love pets. And it’s not just puppy love, either. Many petowners treat theirfurry friends as part of the family. Sometimes they spiceup their pets’ lives with entertaining videos and amusing toys. If they hean eye for fashion, pet owners can dress their pets in stylish clothes. Forspecial occasions, they can use canine perfume to make their dogs ell,well, less beastly. You might say Americans treat their pets like they treattheir children - sometimes even better.


In America, there are more households with pets than those withchildren. At least 43 percent of U.S. homes he pets of some sort. Exoticcreatures, such as monkeys, snakes and even wolves, find a home withsome Americans. More common pets include tropical fish, mice and birds.But the all-time forites are cats and dogs, even at the White House. TheClintons’ cat, Socks, has replaced the Bushes’ dog, Millie, as reigningFirst Pet. Americans sometimes he strong feelings about whether dogs orcats make better pets.“ Dog people” and“ cat people” often enjoy friendlyrivalries.


Leading a dog’s life in America isn’t such a bad thing. Many grocerystores sell gourmet pet foods to owners eager to please their pets. InHouston, Texas, dogs can he their dinner delivered to their homes, justlike pizza. Well-to-do canines can attend doggy daycare centers while theirowners work. Pets can even accompany their owners on vacation. Fancyhotels are beginning to accommodate both man and beast. Furry guestsat Four Seasons Hotels can enjoy gourmet meals served on fine china andsleep in soft beds.


Beneath the fluffy luxuries, there lies a basic American belief: Pets hea right to be treated well. At least 75 animal welfare organizations exist in America. These provide care and adoption services for homeless and abusedanimals. Veterinarians can give animals an incredible level of medical carefor an incredible price. To pay for the high-tech health care, people canbuy health insurance for their pets. And when it’s time to say good-bye,owners can bury their pets in a respectable pet cemetery.


The erage American enjoys hing pets around, and for goodreason. Researchers he discovered that interacting with animals lowersa person’s blood pressure. Dogs can offer protection from burglars andunwelcome visitors. Cats can help rid the home of unwanted pests. Littlecreatures of all shapes and sizes can provide companionship and love. Inmany cases, hing a pet prepares a young couple for the responsibilities ofparenthood. Pets even encourage social relationships: They give their ownersan appearance of friendliness, and they provide a good topic of conversation.


Pets are as basic to American culture as hot dogs or apple pie. ToAmericans, pets are not just property, but a part of the family. After all, petsare people, too.



继美国对中国160 亿美元商品加征关税听证会结束并即将付诸实施之际,8月1日美国政府又提出考虑对价值2000亿美元的中国输美商品的关税税率由10提高到25,同一天美国商务部宣称要对中国44家高科技企业.

刚来美国时,有一次我和先生开车从华盛顿去波士顿看一位朋友,在回来的路上遇到麻烦 在一个高速公路收费站,女工作人员向我们收取2 美元的过路费用,我一翻钱包,只剩下1 75美元了 真是一分钱难倒英雄汉,怎.

继美国副总统彭斯说美国再建中国之后,特朗普先生也不甘寂寞说中国人的好日子过得太久了 作为一个中国人很不以为然,中国人民的日子过得红红火火不假,但说是好日子,中国人民并不这么认为 起码现在的中国是个发展.

中美贸易战进行到现在,已经隔空斗法好几轮 现阶段,作为贸易战的挑起方,美国频频祭出征税狠招,想通过极限施压,迫使中国重回谈判桌 但中国这边也很明确,贸易战是持久战,美国出尔反尔、没有诚意的谈判坚决不答.
