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主题:大会论文写作 时间:2024-04-19



大会论文参考文献 中国现代医学杂志中国文化论文中国社会科学期刊中国美容医学杂志












Touch the Poetic Hearts

Chinese Classic Poetry Quiz Show hints at return of traditional Chinese culture

By Zhu Fengjuan

The screening of the second season of the 10-episode on CCTV earlier this year has kicked off a new we of passion in Chinese poetry and culture among the public. The chariatic literary talent of Dong Qing - the show’s host, competitors and a quartet panel of experts (Wang Liqun, Tang Zhen, Meng Man and Li Bo) wowed audiences, reigniting the nation’s passion for ancient Chinese culture. Competitors from all different walks of life and from all over the world also lightened up the stage.

Through the eyes of Meng Man, representing the Beijing-based the Central University of Nationalities, the TV show “touches the poet-loving heart of all Chinese people” and poetry “touches human heart more than any other art forms”.

“Plus, the Chinese people love poetry more than any other nationality,” the Associate Professor announced, adding that “poetry serves as a good start in the reinvigoration of traditional Chinese culture in today’s society.”

Compared with the first season, there was noticeable upgrading in content design, competition system design and stage design in the second season of the show. The new stage design created a more poetic atmosphere and added a lot of thrill to the show.

In today’s materialistic social climate, it is one thing to know that reading enriches the mind; it is another to squeeze in half an hour every day to read a book, not to mention the patience and mood for the appreciation of the beauty of poems. In this sense, the TV quiz show served as an antidote to urban maladies such as impatience.

Many in the primary education circle of China agree that the TV quiz show appeals to both children and adults, in that it broadens the viewers’ vision and enlightens one on spelling and pronunciation mistakes that can occur easily. In today’s computer-dominated world, the quiz show serves as a strong reminder of how the younger generations of the Chinese people he forgotten the beauty of handwriting Chinese characters. The popularity of the show has triggered the interest in Chinese poetry in children and parents.

To a certain extent, the education of traditional Chinese culture had long detoured into a marginal zone till recent years. Although poetry has been a standard part of classroom learning, the appreciation of its literary beauty is far from being adequate. Instead, students tend to lose interest in poetry learning due to boring teaching methods.

The success of the quiz show is an illustration of the unfailing vitality and appeal of the long-standing Chinese culture.

It is becoming a luxury to sit down and talk about poetry and life in such a way in today’s fast-paced society. However, with the GDP per capita of China topping 8,000 USD, it is becoming a trend among a growing number of people to pursue spiritual rich, as shown by the ‘cultural wes’ brought by the TV show.


【内容摘要】央视中国诗词大会Ⅱ热播,引至满城争说,好评盈耳 的确,节目亮点多多,养眼润心丰获 然而,此番央视制作,仍感窠臼未脱;新瓶旧酒之设,观念依然陈旧,……级尊卑分明;诗词本浸雅意,却闻&ldqu.

美国文化学者丹尼尔·贝尔曾这样感叹“电视作为世界的窗口,首先起到了改革文化的作用” 随着社会的进步以及技术手段的飞速发展,文化与电视节目相融合的趋势越来越显著 中.

